33 Children, Teens and Suicide Loss loss of a classmate can also challenge a teen’s sense of security and increase their awareness of their own mortality. My teen wants to spend all of her time at her deceased friend’s house. Is that normal? Many teens find it comforting to be in the environment where they spent time, had fun, and shared deep connections and memories with the person who died. As long as their presence is welcome, and being at the friend’s house is not interfering with their health and safety, there is no reason for concern. However, it is okay to set some boundaries. Help your teen find a balance between time spent at home and time spent at their friend’s house. Facilitating the Return to School How can I support my teen’s return to school? Some teens will choose to go back to school quickly after the death, finding the routine and structure comforting; others may need more time. Give your teen a reasonable timeframe for returning to school. Prepare them for some of the challenges they may face, and develop strategies for dealing with them.